About Us

Annie Marion Grey is a 24-year-old semi-professional sports person who enjoys social card games, meditation and photography. She is exciting and friendly, but can also be very stingy and a bit greedy.

She is Swedish who defines herself as gay. She didn’t finish school.

Physically, Annie is in good shape. She is short with fair skin, grey hair and black eyes.

She grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. After her mother died when she was young, she was raised by her father

She is currently in a relationship with Jane Erika Ryan. Jane is 4 years older than her and works as a screenplay writer.

Annie has one child with girlfriend Jane: Paisley aged 1.

Annie’s best friend is a semi-professional sports person called Linda Clarke. They are inseparable. She also hangs around with Martha Roberts and Beatrice Thompson. They enjoy working on cars together.